SEO Tips

Search engine optimisation Tips (SEO)

The Top 10 Tips to Be SEO-Friendly.


1. Goals.

Without specific goals in mind, effectively grasping quality SEO results is a misnomer. Without goals, you might get there, or you might not…the thing is, you’ll never even know one way or the other. The key to success is carrying out your optimisation plans with focus and aim, through measurable and definable goals. This way you can get to your key market in less time.

2. A Plan.

Yes, in order to be as SEO-friendly as possible, every website with this vital ambition in mind needs a plan to achieve the actual results they desire. We make business plans when starting and growing our businesses, we use blueprints to build our homes—why not carefully craft a written game plan for SEO too?

3. Clean Web Structure.

Moving on from the conceptual things your website needs to succeed with SEO to the more tangible items used to carry out the plan, we definitely need to include keywords. Every page of an SEO-friendly website is ideally optimized around just one or two unique keyword phrases. This means the written content, the meta-data, the image tags, and so on. Part of your SEO plan will be developing a list of targeted keyword phrases to utilise on your site (and defining where they’ll go).

4. Keywords.

Moving on from the conceptual things your website needs to succeed with SEO to the more tangible items used to carry out the plan, we definitely need to include keywords. Every page of an SEO-friendly website is ideally optimised around just one or two unique keyword phrases. This means the written content, the meta-data, the image tags, and so on. Part of your SEO plan will be developing a list of targeted keyword phrases to utilise on your site (and defining where they’ll go).

5. Great Content.

What do your visitors come to your site to see? Content. What do search engines help their users find? Again, content. Coincidence? Not at all. Provide great quality content—always go above and beyond and strive to make it perfect. Be informative, yet different than the masses. Offer your visitors what they’re looking for and over-deliver in every way with content.

6. Title Tags.

Moving on to the picky details of SEO, there’s one small technical detail that undoubtedly makes more of an impact than all the others combined. Look at the very top left of your web browser’s window…okay, did you look yet…what does it say? This is the page’s title tag—and it’s vital to a web page’s SEO-friendliness. It should be brief, to the point, descriptive of the page’s content, and it should contain the page’s optimised keyword. Search engines use this to understand your page and also to help them describe what your page is all about to their visitors. If nothing else, be sure to get this one right.

7. Additional Meta-Data.

Other behind the scenes Meta-data like your page’s Meta-description, Meta-keywords, and image tags are often dismissed these days as being unnecessary. This couldn’t be further from the truth—search engines today might not take this information verbatim, but it does help define the overall focus of your website’s pages. It also helps with usability—which is another plus-factor when it comes to SEO-friendliness. Don’t get spammy with Meta-data or “over-optimise” it, but do be sure to use it accurately for what it was intended for.

8. Balanced Link Profile.

For many SEO-spammers, achieving a great “Page Rank” is viewed as the Holy Grail. Ignore this strategy and instead focus on building a super high quality balanced link profile instead. This means achieving a variety of natural incoming links (back links) to your site from a good cross-section of relevant authority sites when possible. And the part that many forget is that it also means sharing a few outgoing links from your own site when they’re helpful to your visitors. Search engines are smart enough to know that sites with a huge number of incoming links only—especially when they’re built really quickly—are suspicions and unnatural. Being this is undesirable for sure, because search engines only want to share healthy, natural, organic quality sites with their visitors.

9. Great Navigation.

Having crystal clear navigation throughout your site is extremely important in order to be SEO-friendly. Your visitors need to be able to make their way around your site with complete confidence. But also an important factor, the search engine bots also need to be able to crawl your site with ease. A great navigational structure will help you achieve both. Also accurately listed under this category is including a search engine friendly sitemap within your website.

10. Activity.

What good is a perfectly SEO’d website if there’s just not any activity there? Visitors want a vibrant, fresh website environment full of new and updated content (and the search engines know this). Accordingly, the search engines do give favor to sites that are updated on a regular basis—sites that are full of activity. One helpful way of achieving this, of course, is to include a blog section in your site. Keep it professional…but keep it lively as well to look alive to the search engines.

SEO tips from Deep Space Design 



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