Content Management Systems - CMS

Control Your Own Website Content

Content management systems are dynamic websites that are updated via an administration area, where the user can create and publish their own content. There are many types of open source content management systems available, and we can adapt these to any design to match your website. The old saying of content is king is as true today on the Internet as it always has been, and the most cost effective way to provide fresh content on a regular basis is with a CMS.

A CMS allows you to add your own pages, upload text, pictures and even video to your website. Contact us to find out how a content management system can benefit you. CMS


Open source CMS

There are various open source content management systems available. Here are just a few:

Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Blogger and Square Space.






We aren't content with just providing our clients with a stock CMS website. We value the importance of search engine optimisation, and a website, or blog that is ranked well on Google is worth its weight in gold. In fact its worth a lot more than its weight in gold! As experts in SEO we carry this expertise over into our content management systems. There are ways that a CMS can be search engine optimised to give it the greatest possible chance of getting on the front page of search engines for their chosen keywords or products. Visit our SEO page to learn more about search engine optimisation, and you may want to see our web design page for more info on web design.

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