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SEO Diary - Phase two

April 4, 2009

Search engine optimisation diary - Pt 2

Following on from the first installment of our SEO diary, the time has now come for part two.  As mentioned in part one we have recently set our SEO targets on a national level rather than the regional targets set previously.  Being a web design and SEO company based in Crawley, West Sussex, and being a relatively new website we have only set our sights on being ranked well for West Sussex.

This we achieved for the phrases “web design west sussex” and “seo west sussex” despite fierce competition, but the single keywords “web design” and “seo” are among the most fiercly competitive on the entire Internet.  To begin our quest to compete for these keywords we carried out a full SEO report on our own website.  This showed that were lacking on PageRank compared to our competitors and needed to acquire many more backlinks than we had previously.

As mentioned in part one of our SEO diary it could be considered a risky process charting our attempt to break in to these keywords on Google, as we may indeed be charting our own failures.  But as an experienced SEO company we know what is required to reach number one spot on Google, and are confident in our own abilities in achieving this.  So what have we been doing this last month?

Link building

For the last month since part one of our SEO diary we have been working hard!  We’ve been on a link building campaign to raise the PageRank of our website.  We’ve been constantly working on our own website, and have many exciting new services coming up.  We’ve also moved in to the area of social networking.

Social networking

We are latecomers in to the phenomena of social networking and will have much more to tell in part three of our SEO diary.  But we have opened a Myspace account, a Twitter, a Facebook, a Technorati and many other social networking platforms and began the process of building a network.  This is all a time consuming processs but has the ability of driving traffic to, and raising the profile of your website. It’s still early days and we’ll go in to more detail next month in phase three of our SEO diary.

SERP Updates

Well, as stated last month in part one, the DeepSpace website wasn’t even in the top 100 pages of search engine rankining positions (serp’s) on Google for our targeted keywords.  We knew it would be a tough hill to climb as we are among the most fiercely competitive keywords on the web.  Add to this the fact that the keywords we are targeting - “web design” and “SEO” are also targeted by professional companies that practice SEO for a living.  So it isn’t like targeting an area where the companies have to pay an SEO company to work for them.  These guys do their own SEO work themselves, and SEO is their livelihood so it makes it doubly hard to compete!

Have we made progress?  You bet!!

Positions on March 4th 2009

Web design:  Not in the first 100 pages
SEO: Not in the first 100 pages
: Ranked on page 65
: Ranked on page 31

Positions as of April 4th 2009

:  Ranked on page 38
: Ranked on page 17
: Ranked on page 48
: Ranked on page 23

As you can see we’ve made a significant progress up the Google ranks in this past month.  We still have a long way to go but its heartening to know that what we are doing is obviously working.  We are under no illusions that the higher up the Google rank we get, the harder it is going to get to push forward.  But we also have things left in our arsenal as its still early days.

We are still looking for backlinks, so please feel free to link to our site, and to bookmark this page.  See you next month for phase 3 of our SEO diary.

Thanks for reading.
