10 Features of a Well Optimised Page

One thing that search engines have done over the last few years is to advance significantly in how they analyse the content on a website. A seo company knows all about the ins and outs of SEO and what is of current importance in order to get maximum support from Google.

When it comes to content there are certain things that are important for the perfectly optimised page. Title tags are initially important but they should not be over optimised. Descriptions of things do not seem to bear a lot of weight when it comes to ranking but this does not mean they do not encourage clicks. A header tag must still be relevant to the page. The URL should have a mention of the key words in it as this carries an important weight in the eyes of Google.

When it comes to the content of a website, it is now more about suitably relevant back up keywords, not the continual mention of the same keywords. The way of checking what key words Google may consider are relevant is to conduct a keyword search. Another way, let’s be clear, only involves common sense and knowledge of your subject.

The use of video, podcasts and other useful content can be of great use on a page to elevate the level of engagement and bring down bounce rates. This can also include the use of interactive buttons and animation on the web pages as these attract attention and this, in turn, builds confidence in the site.

Inner links have to follow the fair surfer copyright. The use of Facebook and Twitter are a way of bringing the content onto other stages. The direct SEO advantage may be up for debate, but it never does any damage to display your content in view of a large number of individuals. With Google search plus your own word search, it could be that those put together and a Google + login is of far greater importance than any other options.

Reviews made by users add continual content to the page, which may also be directed to include minor formatting instructions and add additional elements to your listing in the search engine outcome pages.

Newsfeeds only share around content that already appears somewhere else, but they still add to the general reaction to the page because they change regularly.

It’s a good thing to note that the best optimised page will not necessarily be perfect for all things, not every body has the capability to build customer reviews onto their product pages. Obviously this would depend on the type of product up for sale.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 8:27 pm and is filed under Latest News, Web Design, Web Marketing, Whats New.

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