Tips for a Great Website

Web designThe World Wide Web has grown out of all proportion in the last decade and is almost unrecognisable in terms of the number of new sites, many of which are now competing like mad to promote themselves as new online businesses. Finding new websites that truly offer useful products, services or just plain good information is getting harder and harder amongst all the camouflage and rubbish floating around on the internet but how are things for those who have just set up their new website? Many new websites resort to hiring a professional web design company to help launch them selves on the net and this is a great idea to start with. Getting your site up and running is one thing, getting it noticeable enough that it can attract sufficient attention to make your business profitable is another.

Here are a couple of ideas that might help you get noticed and attract that all important traffic in your direction.

Optimise your site

You have probably grasped at some stage that your website popularity has at least something to do with how well it appears on search engine pages. The ranking of your site is particularly important as only those sites that appear on the first page on search engine searches are likely to attract idle attention by people searching for the sort of things that your website is promoting. The answer to a low profile is to spend time or money or both on search engine optimisation or seo for your site. The subject matter that concerns this topic is much greater than can be gone into in this brief article but basically you have a choice of employing a professional seo company to do the hard yards for you or do some of the basic optimisation strategies yourself. Optimising a website can be a long process with no instant guarantees of success, partly because every other competing website will be doing what they can to optimise their websites too – a bit like a hamster on treadwheel!

The main things that you can do for yourself are to use good keywords in your web pages, get articles posted relevant to your subject area and get as many links to your site either in the articles mentioned above or on other people’s websites.

Get your customers involved

Design your site so that it actively encourages your visitors – hopefully your customers – to get involved. If you write in a more personal style and make your questions open then this usually grabs people’s curiosity that little bit more – you are being deliberately inclusive. Why not have a contest? The prize does not necessarily have to be grand. In fact the very fact that you are staging a contest might be interesting enough in itself. There are some people who just have to have a go and these might be people who continue to come back and have a look because they feel personally involved with your website.

In addition to all this, how about including a site forum or a way for your visitors to post a comment or idea on your site. Most people are pleasantly surprised when somebody asks them their opinion or thoughts about a topic and some in particular can get very motivated when the opportunity arises. If you get your visitors to contribute to a forum or ideas post on your site it is much more likely that they will want to return and find out in future who has responded to their comments. If the forum or discussion board becomes particularly popular then it will attract the attention of other websites as well.

This entry was posted on Friday, September 23rd, 2011 at 11:16 am and is filed under Tips, Web Design, Web Marketing.

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