Video marketing, if done correctly is a great way to market your business, direct traffic to your website, gain authority and spread your brand. There are literally millions of people on YouTube every day and it’s a great market to tap into for potential new customers. There is however some important things to know in order to make your YouTube campaign a success.
1. Add some value
It is quite simple these days for anyone to create their own video. Most PCs come with Windows Movie Maker already installed, and Apple Macs have their own version that comes free with their computers. There is software that can be used to record the actions you make on your computer such as Camstudio that is really quite simple to use. But the most important thing is to add value to your video. ”How to” videos are excellent because they give people a reason to want to share it. If you offer some real advice in your video and maybe solve a problem for someone, then they are likely to appreciate it and pass it on. Also they are far more likely to subscribe/follow/like your company.
2. Stand Out
There are literally millions of videos on YouTube and it is unlikely that whatever video you make will be completely unique. Think of a title that will stand out among all the other titles. But be sure to keep it relevant and ideally to contain the keywords that you want it to be found for. The same applies to the description of the video. Reiterate points in your video in your description and make sure you have your keywords in there, and a link back to your website. Also if you notice on YouTube each video has a thumbnail picture still of the video. This still is taken from the exact halfway point of your video. So plan your video beforehand to ensure at the exact halfway point you have an image that will stand out.
3. Use SEO techniques
Many people don’t realise that you can use SEO techniques on YouTube videos. A popular video has a good chance of getting ranked highly on Google if it has the right SEO in place. Videos that are ranked highly on Google have a great chance of converting because people like to watch videos. And if you can entice them with your video then there is a good chance they’ll click through to your website. SEO techniques that work are using your keywords throughout the title, description and tags of your video. Then you can put a link to your video on your website, on Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn etc.. and anywhere else that will have it.
4. Be Prolific/ Consistent
When you have the knack of how to make a video and upload it correctly to YouTube then don’t stop at one video. Try to make a series of videos and release one each week or fortnight. This way you can build up a following on YouTube and have your own channel that can be a wealth of information for your followers. This will help to build up your authority in your subject matter and people will think highly of you for it.
5. Going Viral
Most people have heard of videos going viral and most think its completely by accident. Granted some are by happy accident where someone has got lucky and posted a video that has blown up on YouTube and received millions of views. By the way a viral video on YouTube can pull in a healthy salary for the owner in advertising rights. Some top videos can receive up to £100,000+ a year! These are the lucky ones but it is possible to give a video a kick start into going viral, and the majority of viral videos nowadays have had “viral marketing” done to them. This involves using viral marketeers to purchase views to your video and actively make comments. Not many people have seen a viral video first when it has had 10 views and no comments. People always discover it when its had over 20k views and atleast 30 or 40 comments. These can be purchased from the right place, and then when people do stumble across your video they feel that they’ve hit something that is already really popular and are more inclined to share it and leave a comment.
Successful video marketing has huge potential and shouldn’t be underestimated. There are many companies that rely on YouTube alone to make their income and are very successful at it. If you follow the above 5 steps then you can’t go far wrong. Of course if you haven’t the time or the inclination to do it yourself you can always hire a company like Deep Space Design to do it for you .